Laser Woodcut & Serigraph. 32” x 20”
collage of Serigraphs and Lithographs. 20” x 26”
“Piangente” and “Funghi Contrari.” Serigraphy and paper-mache.
Piece for the Gairdino Surreale (Surreal Garden) installation.
Serigraphy and cut paper, 7’ x 4 ‘
Piece for the Gairdino Surreale (Surreal Garden) installation.
Pop-up prints. Serigraphy, 88” x 75”
Serigraphy, 19”x 26.” ed: 1/3 v.e.
Serigraphy and lithograph on mylar, 29” x 20.” Edition 2/3 v.e.
Platform: 5x5 feet, Screenprinting Prints: 40 feet, Serigraphy, Ceramics, and mixed media.
Exploring the disappearing line between technologies and nature. Work in response to the creation of a synthetic cell. I asked myself: If we can create a synthetic cell, are we also able to create new life forms? If so, then what might they look like? How would the ecosystem respond to them? I answered these questions by envisioning ways in which synthetic life forms could grow by contaminating metaphorically our soil/environment.
Details of print insert into a ceramic piece.
Serigraphy, 30” x 75”
Serigraphy, glazed ceramics, and wood, print: 46”x46”, ceramics: 30”x16”x 16” each.
Linocut and Serigraphy, 15” x 18.” Edition 1/1
Embossment from woodcut. Printed with ashes left from the laser cutter. Edition one
Drypoint on acrylic plate, linocut and serigraphy.
Laser engraved. Printed with ashes left from the laser cutter, 10” x 20.” Edition 1/1
Lithograph, 19"x26.” Evolution of an embryo from an imaginary creature.
Serigraphy, 19”x26.” Imaginary development of an embryo from a synthetic cell.
Woodcut, 24”x48.” Edition 2
Serigraphy, 16” x 16”
Serigraphy and Monotype, 16”x24”