FOUNDATIONS. 2D Digital, drawing and 3D
Assignment: the student was limited to use a wooden box to create a 3D object.
Screenprinting, 11”x15”
Graduate student majoring in Painting. He created the design of this print using painting machines assembled by the student. He contrasts the use of these machines such as robotic arms and plotters with his own hand-made marks. He focuses on figurative work as a vehicle for further discussion about how humans are becoming nodes on a huge network, like leaves on a big tree. His portrait paintings are partially made from facebook data collected about individuals close to him. The subjects in his paintings are people that are defined by shifting and borderless edges that allude to the separation between the artificial and the natural, the digital and the real.
Screenprinting, paper, horsehair, resin, string, baby oil, acrylic, 18”x24”
Graduate student majoring in Painting. For many years, the student helped her mother with crafting, deconstructing, drilling, feathering, detangling, and furring for her craft business. All the while, she was interacting with animals and the wild environment of rural Alaska. She creates tension in her work using materials that illustrate both the warmth and comfort of seeing Alaskan crafts packaged into something stereotypically beautiful, such as a dream-catcher or a picturesque mountain scene and the raw discomfort of fleshy, dark entrail-like materials that rot like dark secrets inside of every human and behind every tree in the woods.
Assignment: the student was limited to use a wooden box to create a 3D object.